19 мая 2020

The automatic violating cars’ detection system has been launched in Moscow

The automatic system is created to detect in real time those cars, which circulate without permits, and to report them to the nearest traffic police posts.

The technology was developed by the Moscow Traffic Control Center under the Government of Moscow and operates on the basis of more than 2500 photo and video cameras.

«The cameras scan the car stream, define license plates, check the data against the database of license plates associated with digital passes. All this happens automatically and in real time. If an intruder is found, car data is transmitted to the nearest traffic police posts», — shared Yevgeny Legler, the Head of the Photo and Video Recording Directorate of the Moscow Traffic Control Center.

«The new system allows to significantly save time and resources of police officers and allows to work more effectively with those who ignore the requirements of high-alert regime. We immediately see all violating cars and stop them. Immediately on the spot we explain drivers that if he/she goes further, he/she will receive a fine from an automatic camera and distribute leaflets, explaining where and how to get a permit. The new system also allows us to save our time and time of those who do not violate, as we do not stop them», — said Alexey Diokin, the Deputy Head of the Traffic Police Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow.

Additionally, the Moscow Assistant mobile app entered the Top-12 of the best innovative solutions in the world for fighting against COVID-19. The Moscow Assistant app is listed in the world map, where commercial and state structures that are contributing to the fight against coronavirus. The application received the 12th place out of 704 in the world and the 3rd out of 14 in Moscow.

Using the Moscow Assistant app, taxi drivers, employees of the Transport Complex and law enforcement agencies can check for a valid digital permit. Ordinary citizens can also use the Moscow Assistant app to check digital permits before leaving home.

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