This year the Moscow Transport Day will be held in an unusual format. Instead of a public holiday, the Transport Complex organizes a charity marathon «With All My Heart». The heart is a symbol of transport from which arterial roads diverge. Within the framework of the marathon, a number of charity activities will take place: «Doors Do Not Close», «A Dream of Sonya Rybina», «A Kind Bike Ride» and others. The Moscow Transport staff will donate blood and take part in landscaping the yards.
Since July 6, mobile blood transfusion stations have been organized for employees in all divisions of the Moscow Transport Complex. Due to a pandemic, there is a shortage in blood banks, so it is now especially important to donate blood, even if the donor does not have antibodies.
The goal of another actiom, «Doors Do Not Close», is to draw attention to the problem of homeless animals and explain why animals from adaptation centers are no worse than thoroughbreds. On July 10, a limited-edition series of Troika cards with an original design will be issued. A social video will be shown on the metro screens, and action banners will be placed in the Wi-Fi portal, which will inform how to take a friend from a shelter.
One more action is the flash mob «A Dream of Sonya Rybina». It is dedicated to a girl from St. Petersburg, who dreamed that everyone could travel around the city freely, even if they had no money to travel. She suggested putting up ads with coins at the bus stops that could help people out in a difficult situation. Sonya died of cancer at the age of 10, her parents and a charity fund made an action in St. Petersburg, and now the Transport Complex will support her in Moscow.
Everyone can do a good deed. For this you need to replenish the «suspended» «Troika» card at a metro ticket office (by analogy with the «suspended coffee»). If a person does not have money to travel, he will be able to ask for such a «Troika» at a ticket office. Some of these cards, replenished by employees of the Transport Complex, will go to orphanages, from where children often come to the capital for excursions.
This year Moscow Bicycle Festival is held in digital format. Participants are waiting for an online marathon with interesting tasks, as well as «A Kind Bike Ride». Each route is individual, at the discretion of a participant in any city. From July 11 to July 19, everyone will be able to travel a distance of at least 16 km using the mobile application tracker. For each participant who has traveled the established distance, Velobike will transfer 50 rubles to a charity fund.
In addition, the employees of the Moscow Transport, together with the winners of the internal hackathon, will take part in the Emerald Forest campaign to plant trees.
Together with Yandex, a free drive-in cinema with a large HD screen will be launched. It will work until the fall. Sessions will be held on Saturdays at the intercepting parking lot at the Filatov Lug metro station, at a time when its occupancy is minimal. The cinema is designed for 100 cars. From July to October it is planned to show about 17 films.
«This year we all are not up to mass holidays. We thought for a long time about the format of the Moscow Transport Day. We thought of different online formats, a live concert, but in the end, we decided that the most important thing now is to do good. The pandemic showed many important things — what a heroic profession a doctor is, how many people are willing to volunteer, and how important it is for each of us to do good deeds. We want to show that transport is about people and for people. I think a little good nowadays is important for everyone. Therefore, the Moscow Transport Day will be held in a form of a charity marathon», — shared Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.