13 июля 2020

Moscow Transport and Yandex open a drive-in cinema

In July, Moscow Transport and Yandex open a free-of-charge large-screen cinema. Film shows will take place at an intercepting parking lot near the Filatov Lug metro station, when parking occupancy is minimal. The cinema is designed for 100 cars. The first show will take place as part of the celebration of the Moscow Transport Day.

Every Saturday the cinema will show a film from the KinoPoisk HD online cinema collection, which includes favorite movies and recent high-profile premieres: from Charlie Chaplin movies to Guy Ritchies «Gentlemen». The cimema will operate from July to October, and it is planned to show about 17 films.

At the movie nights, guests will be able to order food and drinks in the Yandex.Food mobile app without leaving their cars. What is more, users of Yandex.Drive car sharing will be provided with free time for watching movies in the service cars.

«On weekends, the parking load is minimal, so we decided to organize a drive-in cinema, which is a great entertainment in any weather. We plan to show about 17 movies. From July to October around 1,700 cars will be able to visit the free cinema,» — shared the Press Office of the Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development of Moscow.

The first show will be held on July 18, and online registration on the website www.kino-parking.ru will be available on July 12 at 0:00. It will be the first drive-in cinema organized by the Moscow Transport. In conditions when traditional cinemas are closed or are just getting ready to start working, the drive-in cinema becomes an excellent opportunity to watch a movie on a large screen, while observing all safety measures.

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