An interfaculty group of scientists from Lomonosov Moscow State University has published an updated Transport Complex Development Index for 2010–2018. According to its results in 2018, Moscow is ranked second having risen from the 8th position in the ranking of 2010.
In 2016, the Russian capital managed to enter only the top-3 of the rating leaders, as it is specified in the findings of the study.
«In the course of the study, a rating of megalopolises was formed according to the level of development of the transport complex in 2010 and 2015–2018. For a comparative analysis, we selected 10 megalopolises that are most comparable in terms of urbanistic and economic indicators: Hong Kong, Istanbul, London, Mexico City, Moscow, New York, Shanghai, Singapore, St. Petersburg and Tokyo taking the leading position in the ranking during the entire period under review. In 2016, the Russian capital managed to enter the top-3 of the rating, and in 2018 — to overtake London, having risen to the second position», — the research results indicate.
Thus, in recent years, Moscow has improved its position in terms of the main indicators characterizing the quality and availability of transport services, primarily for public transport users.
«The city has seen a positive trend in road safety indicators and the impact of transport on the environment. <...> Moscow's positions are quite high in terms of the efficiency of freight logistics — in recent years, the city has retained the 3rd position in comparison with other considered megacities of the world», — Moscow State University notes.
According to scientists, despite the results already achieved, there are reserves in Moscow for further improvement of the urban transport system, primarily in terms of such indicators as the availability of transport services and road safety.
«Strengthening traffic safety control by the State Traffic Inspectorate, dynamic regulation of speed limits depending on road congestion, optimization of the parking space, increasing the efficiency of freight logistics and growing share of low-emission vehicles are recommended as measures that will increase the Index's value for Moscow together with active expansion of the metro network and the Moscow Central Diameters», — recommend at Moscow State University.