The Moscow Metro has hired its first female drivers after a change of legislation opened the doors to the capital’s women.
The Moscow Metro has welcomed women into the cabs of its metro trains this week, as female drivers are allowed to be hired again.
Legislation banning women from certain jobs was overturned in September of last year, meaning Russian women were eligible for driver positions in Moscow on 1 January 2021.
The Russian Government had banned women from holding 456 jobs in 38 industries which required physically strenuous work, such as heavy lifting. However, a change to this law cut the list of jobs closed to women to 98, leaving the doors to Moscow’s extensive metro system open for women in the Russian capital.
The metro’s trains had traditionally been operated by men, as the occupation was listed by the government as harmful to women’s health. The Guardian reports that the justification used for excluding women, that the job was too dangerous as it required long periods underground, was criticised as the network employs female cleaners and cashiers.
The Department of Transport in the Russian capital said the restrictions no longer apply thanks to the level of automation now present on the network. According to the department, operating trains was no longer «associated with heavy physical exertion».