On 30 April, Moscow Metro launches a special theme train on Line 3. The train’s design is dedicated to doctors and includes «Thank You» inscriptions in different languages and stories of 22 doctors about their choice, job and daily labour.
«We launched the train in gratitude to the doctors for their heroic work. For our part, we are taking all measures to prevent the spread of the virus in transport. WHO recognized them as one of the most efficient among all the worlds metro systems. Now the overall security depends on everyone. Let the doctors have less work to do», — says Deputy Mayor for Transport Maxim Liksutov.
«The fight with coronavirus has been going on for more than a year, but it has affected health workers the most. They were forced to leave their families and give themselves to patients. Prestige and respect for the profession are growing. The number of schoolchildren who want to connect their lives with medicine is increasing», — says Deputy Mayor for Social Development Anastasia Rakova.