20 июля 2021

Moscow launches CityTransitData project

Moscow jointly with UITP launches CityTransitData online service – the world's first analytical platform that allows users to view and compare information about transport in megacities.

The project might be useful for both transport experts and ordinary users. The website provides information about certain transport indicators in the cities of the world: for example, ridership or number of parking spaces and price of hourly parking. The information can be used in research, journalism or student papers.

As for now, there are 6 megacities and more than 30 indicators in the database, but the project plans to gradually increase the number to approximately 30 cities and more than 50 indicators. Other cities can also join the project to share their data and use the information.

"We have been cooperating with our foreign colleagues for a long time and share the best solutions with each other. During the coronavirus pandemic, the exchange of experience helped us and other cities to take effective measures to combat the infection. It is a great honor for us to develop CityTransitDatatogether with UITP. The project will allow us to exchange data and analyze the best solutions even more — we do all this for our passengers", - Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport Maksim Liksutov. 


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