20 сентября 2021

Moscow Metro launches Face Pay testing on the whole network

Moscow Metro has connected five more lines to the Face Pay testing. The pilot project operates on the entire underground network.

"14 lines and 241 metro stations are connected to the Face Pay service. Moscow became the first city in the world that use the facial recognition for fare payment on such a large scale. The final stage of testing has started today. According to the result we will be ready to launch the innovative service for all metro passengers", - said Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.

According to Maksim Liksutov, Moscow is also considering thepossibility of launching the service at the Moscow Central Diameters (MCD), the Moscow Central Circle (MCC) and surface transport. The Deputy Mayor noted that the discount system for the Face Pay users will be presented soon. 

The Face Pay service (system of biometric fare payment) is available at the gates with a black sticker on the floor. Members of the focus group have access to the Early Bird discounts on Lines 7 and 15, which provides reduced fares for those who travel during morning off-peak hours. 

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