The cameras are going to be installed in places with the biggest amounts of complaints from locals about the transport noise in the future.
The Moscow Traffic Control Center has begun testing new road complexes with microphones that measure the noise of passing vehicles. One of these devices has been installed in the center of Moscow in one of the central districts as a part of the upcoming struggle with loud cars and motorcycles that prevent people from sleeping at night.
Cameras must be certified by Rosstandart (The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology). To make such certification possible, a separate document indicating the noise thresholds (in decibels) has to be adopted. Such document can be approved only after the changes in the current legislation. Now there is a Russian National Standard for noise level measurement of vehicle engines during their certification (96 dB for cars and motorcycles and 98-100 dB for buses and trucks). As measurements are taken in a laboratory —the document cannot be used in road conditions.
The cameras will be installed in places with the biggest amount of complaints from citizens.