13 октября 2021

The Moscow Metro tests OLED displays on train windows

The Moscow Metro has launched a pilot train with interactive OLED displays in car windows. Passengers will be able to see useful and interesting information on a bright and modern screen instead of the usual view of the tunnel, reports the Moscow Department of Transport.

According to the Department, so far, such innovative technologies, besides Moscow, are being tested only in Beijing and Shenzhen subways.

«We are always watching for all technological advances and new services around the world, to continuously improve the comfort of passengers of the Moscow Transport. The Moscow Mayor has set a task– the most advanced services must come to Moscow first. We have launched a pilot train with interactive displays located directly in the windows of the cars on the Line 7 of the Moscow Metro. All installation costs of these screens were borne by our partners. After a while we will sum up the results of the survey among the passengers, analyze  the convenience and usefulness of the service with the manufacturer and decide on the future of the project,» – said Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.

The Line 7 of the Moscow Metro also provides the Early Bird discounts during off-peak hours in the morning, which reduced crowdedness on the stations of the line up to 16%.

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