7 сентября 2022

Moscow electric buses: 4 years of the operation

Today, Moscow has the largest electric bus fleet in Europe — more than 1,000 electric buses on 79 eco-friendly bus routes.

Nowadays, Moscow is focused on eco-friendly transport and is keeping up with worldwide electric vehicle market trends.Improving the environmental situation in the city is one of the most important priorities of the Moscow Government.

Four years ago, the Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin has launched the first electric bus route in the city. Innovative eco-friendly transport has hit the streets of Moscow and taken the T73 route from VDNKh to the 6th micro district of Bibirevo, replacing trolleybuses. 

“Together with the Russian manufacturers, KAMAZ and GAZ group, we have come a long way from the first test samples to electric buses that operate today. In fact, it is already a different electric bus, with improved passenger characteristics. All themodern equipment is made by Russian machine builders and automakers. Today more than 1,000 electric buses are operating in Moscow. This year, on behalf of the Moscow Mayor SergeySobyanin, we will announce a new tender for the supply of 1,000 - 1,300 new electric buses in 2023 and 2024. Some of them are planned to be articulated ones, like those that are being testedon the roads of Moscow”, — noted Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.

“According to the operational statistics, electric buses today are the most reliable type of surface public transport. They are convenient and safe, so they quickly became popular and received popular response and trust by citizens. Today more than 1 thousand electric buses run on 79 bus-routes, carrying about 400 thousand passengers on the daily basis. In 4 years, electric buses have run 100 million km, transported more than 226 million passengers, 72 million passengers of which have been carried in 2022,” – said Nikolay Asaul, CEO of Mosgortrans. 

The main advantage of electric buses in comparison with buses is environmental friendliness. Replacing one diesel bus with an electric one reduces CO2 emissions by 60.7 tons per year. Theelectric bus is 30% quieter than a bus and have practically no vibrations and noise while driving.

Moscow electric buses are very convenient and reliable. Each electric bus carries about 85 people. This transport is also convenient for passengers with disabilities: electric buses are provided with a low-floor, ramps, and accumulation areas.  Besides, electric buses are equipped with gadget chargers on the handrails, climate control systems and media screens. Moreover, they perfectly deal with temperature extremes. For the fourth consecutive winter season, the innovative transport has been operating without any interruptions. The temperature range of its work is from -40 to +40 degrees Celsius. Batteries are equipped with a temperature control system to prevent vehicles from overheating in summer and freezing in winter.The safety is ensured by an automatic information system, smoke and temperature sensors, alarm buttons as well as the video surveillance system.

All the electric buses are Russian-made and serviced under life-cycle contracts. This means that the manufacturer bears full responsibility for the technical serviceability of each electric bus for 15 years of the exploitation. This guarantees the safety of transportation and the passengers.

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